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Substance Abuse

Is your party Friday night ending with your spouse angry about your behavior? 


Have you noticed substance use escalates only to return to more routine levels of consumption?

Alcohol and drug consumption can be very deceptive to the consumer. Tolerances can build over long periods of time or very quickly depending on body types and genetic disposition. The consumer often becomes blind to the effect of the substance consumed. When loved ones seeking to help draw attention to negative effects and the user can respond defensively. Many workplace cultures can encourage consumption as part of attracting new or retaining old business. In this setting all in good until overdone and suddenly the life of the party becomes damaged goods. Escalation of risky behaviors including drinking and driving, introduction of new substances or serial sexual encounters while under the influence can also be a sign of problems ahead.


If any of the above is happening for you or a loved one trouble could be happening just ahead or already past and will escalate if left un checked. Our seasoned professionals are here to help.

Let’s Work Together

8104 Spring Cypress RD, Spring, TX 77379, USA

PH (281) 205-8786

FAX (832) 559-1939

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