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Testing Services

Administered By Melissa Abbott, LPC and Lisa Kerr, LPC

Lisa Kerr LPC


Full range testing and assessment services are available to provide diagnosis and

treatment of disorders in children, adolescents, and adults.

Melissa Abbott LPC

Testing Packages 

  • Autism Testing Only:​​ Includes a number of tests & interviews to determine the presence or absence of Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • ADHD Diagnosis Only: Includes a number of tests to determine the presence or absence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • ADHD with Co-Occurring Disorders: Includes  screening for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Learning Problems & other Mood Disorders

  • ADHD with Co-Occurring Disorders & AutismIncludes screening for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Learning Problems, other Mood Disorders, & Autism

  • Child & Adolscent Comprehensive Exam (Ages 6 to 16 years old): Includes screening for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Learning Problems, Autism, other Mood Disorders, Full Scale IQ Test & Cognitive Processing. 

Testing Breakdown

1st Appointment

Initial Consultation

For you and the provider to get to know each other and to decide which testing package is best for your needs

Time Frame:

60 mins not to exceed 90 mins



Testing Appointment

Where you will be administered the tests that you and the provider agreed upon in the initial visit

Time Frame:

3 hour to 4 hours 

The 2nd appointment can be separated into shorter visits if needed



Results Appointment

For you and the provider to go over the results of the tests


Time Frame: 

45 mins not to exceed 60 mins

During the results appointment you will receive a hard copy of your results for your records


Typically turn around for the results is anywhere from 45 to 60 days from actual Testing Appointment


$400- $1200
Pricing depends on the testing package you and our providers agree upon during the initial consultation.
To schedule the Initial Consultation for Testing, Spring Grove Counseling requires a deposit of $200 that will go towards the final price of the testing package that you and the provider agreed upon.
Spring Grove Counseling does offer a payment plan for testing service.
In Order to receive a copy of the results all testing balances must be paid in full.
Spring Grove Counseling does not bill insurance for testing.


8104 Spring Cypress RD, Spring, TX 77379, USA

PH (281) 205-8786

FAX (832) 559-1939

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